Monday, April 2, 2012

64: Sonsonate 1

Hello family.

I have news. I am officially out of the office and back in the dirt. This happened last week. After the last Friday when I wrote you (like a week and a half), I was busy getting everything ready for the new office secretary. That night, President called me and told me who my replacement was—Elder Ward. This isn't my companion; this is a different Elder Ward. Then President also told me that my companion, Elder Ward, from the office was also leaving, and that his new companion would be Elder Cano, a Mexican. I was way excited for this change, but my companion was a little sad. He had only had two changes in the office, and felt like he had done something wrong. But, what happens happens.

So Saturday morning the new Elder Ward came and I got to train him for a couple hours. Then we went and said our goodbyes Saturday afternoon. Sunday, Elder Ward and Elder Cano came for good, so we picked them up and taught them the area. I'm not gonna lie, I'm really going to miss this ward. I have 7 1/2 months of being with them. It is a way awesome ward, seriously.

Well, I packed up. I have a ton of books.

Monday morning I found out where I was going. AMERICA—it's in Sonsonate. And I'm training. Also Monday I saw Alex Anderson. He took a pic and said he'd send it to me, but never did. But you'll probably get it. It was cool.

I'm training a kid named Elder Vargas. He's from Chalchuapa, and is actually assigned to Monterey, Mexico, but is waiting for his visa, so he's with me now. He's a good guy. I don't really like training because he never says anything, but I do like the extra study time. I've missed a lot of studying in the office, but now I am back on track.

My area is very dusty. And hot. Wow, it is so hot and humid here. Seriously. I am downing water like crazy. The ward is good. There's a RM who just got back from Nicaragua who is way sweet. He was an assistant in his mission and is way powerful. We've been contacting a lot. The last missionaries in this area didn't leave anything, so we've been finding and looking a lot. But it's cool. I really like the humidity here, even though it is very hot. But all is going well.

General Conference was sweet! I learned a lot. Take the time to read back through the talks, because they were all really good (I especially liked the one who talked about writing better letters to the missionaries).

Well, hope all is good, love you,

Elder Bailey

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