¡Hello family!
How're ya'll doing? That's good to hear.
So this week has gone by so fast. Seriously, ever since I came back to Modelo, the time has been going so fast. I don't even understand how it's P-day again. What in the world? I'm trying right now to remember all that has happened.
We've been on a ton of interchanges. We don't really sleep very much, but I'm getting used to it now. We are always just running. On Saturday and Sunday, I went on interchanges with Independencia. We found a bunch of news and worked hard. I showed them a lot of old investigators who I had taught, and some of them were a lot more positive. I also taught them how to work better with the members, and we received a lot of referrals. Then on Sunday, I went to church with them. That was really cool because I got to see all of the friends I had in Independencia. I really enjoyed seeing everyone again.
Well, in our area we have 2 dates. This Sunday, R is going to get baptized. He's a stud. He went to the temple tour that we gave, and after that just changed. He started reading the Book of Mormon even though we don't see him all week because he works in San Salvador. We had talked about a date for this Sunday before. So last Sunday, when he went to church, he told Elder Rodriguez that he wanted to get baptized that day, but just a little earlier because he had to visit his family later that day. So, he's getting baptized this Sunday. And he's going to complete a family. His wife is already a member. He also has two daughters, but they don't want to get baptized yet...they're a little harder. But R told us that he wants to be the example for the family and help them get baptized too. So we're really excited. They have a really cool family.
The other is a 17-year-old named M. He's going to get baptized next Saturday. Kind of interesting. Last week, he started having a ton of doubts about the BOM. We've explained to him about it about 10 times in as many ways as we could, and he still didn't get it/accept it. Monday we went to visit him and he was sitting on the other side of the street with his friends and didn't want to come. We went over to him and told him to come and talk, and he said that he would come. Then another church came and told him to go with them, so while we were waiting at his house, he came over, said hi to us, put on his clothes, and left with the other church...right in front of us. Yeah, well that stunk.
The next day we returned and visited him. We explained the BOM AGAIN, and this time, finally, he got it. Well, I guess it's kind of a blessing that he went to the other church the day before, because I think he realized how much better our church is. After that, he's been all in—reading the BOM, praying, and getting involved in the ward activities (playing soccer). He's totally changed now. He's way happier. Yesterday, he had his interview. Compare this with what happened 4 days ago: we got to his house, and he was on the other side with his friends again. But this time he stood up as soon as we got there and came straight to us with a smile on his face. And do you know what was in his hands? A Law of Chastity pamphlet. It was freakin' sweet! So, he's getting baptized next Saturday.
Well, what else has happened this week... Sunday was the bishop's birthday, so [we] bought him a cake and went to celebrate in his house. He's a pretty cool guy. Really young—he's only 29 years old. On Monday, we and 3 other members made tacos. Man, my companion can cook. Well yeah... he's a Mexican. Those tacos were delicious...but man they were hot. We were all crying. He had like 7 jalapeño peppers and 3 tomatoes in his salsa. It was really painful, but way worth it. Later that day we ate dinner at the stake president's house and had family home evening with him. He is awesome. President G. That is a really cool family.
Well, it's been a really fun week. We've been working like crazy, so I don't even know where the week went.
Hope everything is going well back home.
Take care,
Elder Bailey
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